Review: The Force of Wind (Elemental Mysteries, #3) by Elizabeth Hunter

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Oh my God. I am still pulling myself together after finishing this book!

Gio and Beatrice are now in China, having travelled to the seat of vampire politics to see the legendary Eight Immortals. They are joined by Baojia, Tenzin, and other new allies as their search for the mysterious book and the evil bad guy continues.

I’m not going to go into too much detail here, because you need to have read the first books in this series to understand everything that is happening, but OH HOLY GOD!!! This book has a number of massive shocks, some huge story development, and a climax that had me on the edge of my seat, frantically flipping pages, before shattering my heart into a million tiny pieces. Talk about your shockers, I didn’t see that one coming at all! Well played Elizabeth Hunter! I like that she’s not afraid to pull out the unexpected!

The story is up and down. I thought it lagged a little bit in the middle, with lots of time spent with Beatrice training, and not a whole lot of action, but all of the events towards the end of the book make up for that, and looking back at it now, it sets the scene really well for everything to come.

I enjoyed getting to see more of the politics and intricacies of the vampire world. And I loved getting to know Tenzin more. Her story is tragic, but I absolutely love her attitude, and the way she deals with everything that happens in the story is gold. She is a smartass with a massive heart, and her love for her friends and family is beautiful.

Gio and Beatrice continue to be sensational together! With their relationship issues resolved in the previous book, they are now together, strong, more in love than ever (with lots of (fairly tame) sexy time happening), and it’s fantastic! And the gorgeous Gio is just as swoon-tastic as ever.

She was worth it. Worth every worry, every pain. Her safety and security was everything to him. After five hundred years of existence, she had become the singular desire that animated his immortal life.

I loved this book! The writing is absolutely sensational – my emotions are still all over the place from all that happened, and the way it was all put onto the page… just superb! I am so excited, and just a wee bit scared for the final instalment in the series, but I can’t wait to get into it. Starting now.

4.5 stars.


The Elemental Mysteries

A Hidden Fire  This Same Earth  The Force of Wind  A Fall of Water

A Hidden Fire (#1)
Buy:  Kindle Ebook  |  Paperback

This Same Earth (#2)
Buy:  Kindle Ebook  |  Paperback

The Force of Wind (#3)
Buy:  Kindle Ebook  |  Paperback

A Fall of Water (#4)
Buy:  Kindle Ebook  |  Paperback


Series novellas (to be read after main series)

The Stars Afire (An Elemental Mysteries Anthology)
Buy:  Amazon
This is a short fiction ANTHOLOGY for Giovanni and Beatrice. It includes a previously published novella (Lost Letters and Christmas Lights), as well as new fiction (Finding Richard, Desires of the Heart) and a few shorts that used to be on the author’s website. It is not a brand new novel, but it is new fiction that gives you a peek into the future of your favorite vampires.


Fangs, Frost & Folios
A holiday mystery novella
Buy:  Amazon Apple Books  |  Nook Kobo



See our Elemental Mysteries page for more information – including spin-off details.


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