Review: Hearts in Darkness (Hearts in Darkness, #1) by Laura Kaye

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4.5 stars!

What a wonderful little treat this was. Hearts in Darkness is Book One in the duet of the same name and the first book I have read by Laura Kaye. I really enjoyed the writing style; it was engaging and captivating from the first page. This was a unique story because half of it was set in a pitch-black elevator so we have no visual description of the way things looked. Kaye was able to describe the feelings, touches, and sounds so clearly that I was able to easily envision what the characters were experiencing.

Caden and Makenna meet in a chance encounter on an elevator. Makenna is having a rotten day and everything seems to be going wrong. The day gets even worse when she almost misses the elevator. Lucky for her, Caden, the person already in the elevator, is a gentleman and holds the door for her. Her hair is around her face as she retrieves her fallen cell phone so Caden doesn’t get a chance to see Makenna’s face before the elevator comes to an abrupt stop and lights go out. Of course Makenna did not see he man who held the elevator either as she was too preoccupied by the phone and her bad day.

After the world around them turns dark, Makenna and Caden are thrown into a frightening situation. Unsure of when help will come, they rely on each other to get through the ordeal. After a few moments of getting to know each other they realize that they have a lot in common. They enjoy each other’s company while trying to make the best of the situation. As more time passes, a strong connection grows even though they have no idea what the other looks like. The hours spent in the pitch-black elevator prove that two unlikely souls can find their perfect other half but what happens when the lights come on?

I fell in love with this novella from the very first page. Laura Kaye’s writing was beautiful and she described the scene so clearly that I felt like I saw everything play out even though the characters were blind to what the other looked like in the beginning of the book. I loved Makenna and Caden. They were not only fantastic together as a couple but also great as individuals.

I loved how they got to know each other through 20 questions and that the lack of light had them opening up and growing comfortable with each other. The banter was great and the whispers and small touches lit me on fire. I melted with how everything played out. They didn’t need their sight to see the connection they had and I felt it completely. The deep understanding they had of each other was beautiful and I was rooting for their HEA.

“What do you want?” Reluctantly, she pulled her hand away from stroking him and brought both hands up to cup his face.
“Everything. I want everything with you.”

Makenna was compassionate, caring, and beautiful both inside and out. I loved that she was able to calm him with her touch and words.  Caden was a bit of a mystery and we know a tragedy changed his life. This book touches on Caden’s heartbreaking past and the fear he harbors but does not dive too deeply into them so this book remains a lighter read and doesn’t have much angst.

Overall, I loved this little story and I was left grinning from ear to ear. It’s a sweet, sexy read that I highly recommend. I cannot wait to get my hands on the next book in the duet!! I need more Makenna and Caden in my life! Up next? Love in the Light!

“I love…that elevator.”

*Side Note: I listened to this novella on audible and it was fantastic!


Hearts in Darkness Duet

hearts-in-darkness  love-in-the-light

Hearts in Darkness (#1)
Buy: Kindle Ebook Paperback | Audio

Love in the Light (#2)
Buy: Kindle Ebook | Paperback | Audio


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