Review: Real Sexy (Real Dirty Duet, #2) by Meghan March

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4.5 stars!

Real Sexy is the follow up to the deliciously sexy Real Dirty, and is a beautiful finish for Boone and Ripley’s story! Romantic, emotional, swoony, and oh-so-freaking hot, this book has some surprises, and I loved every moment of it!

The book picks up right from the cliffhanger that ended the last book. Boone is in some trouble, and with the media spinning stories, Ripley has no idea where she stands. But it doesn’t take long for Boone to set the story straight, and he is a man determined to win his girl once and for all.

Game over. I’m done. She’s it. The one. Now I have to make her fall in love with me.

Ripley has had a hard life. She doesn’t trust easily, and after living through devastating loss and emotional abuse at the hands of her family, she has erected big walls around her heart. And then Boone Thrasher came crashing into her life. The man is irresistible – gorgeous, charming and all kinds of sexy. He’s proven his huge heart, and as they spend more and more time together, Ripley’s walls start to come tumbling down.

“That’s right, Ripley. You feel something for me, and it’s not a little something. It’s big and scary, but it’s real.”

Boone and Ripley together are fantastic, and I loved their journey in this book. It’s functional and honest as they continue getting to know each other, this time with Ripley’s guards down, and the growing emotion is beautifully explored.

“I’ve never wanted another woman the way I want you. I need you to know that’s true. This isn’t surface level. It goes deep, all the way to my bones.”

There are issues that they need to deal with (family drama, ex drama, media drama), and they do it together – standing strong and not letting stupid drama come between them, and their faith and trust in each other allows for some great character development for Ripley. And Boone… OMG, I am madly in love with Boone. He’s sweet, understanding and endlessly supportive of Ripley, giving her space to stretch herself and figure out what she wants, but at the same time he’s protective and possessive, and that blend is balanced perfectly. Add to that the fact that he is sexy as all hell with a dirty mouth and the moves to back it up, and holy damn! Oh, and his swoony declarations pretty much had me melting into a puddle of goo on the floor.

“Give me a chance, Ripley. Just one goddamned chance to prove that this can work, that it can be the most beautiful thing you’ve ever had in your life.”

I liked that there were some surprises in the story, and I really loved the way it all played out. There are glimpses of characters from some of Meghan’s other books, and I loved catching up with them, but this book is pure Boone and Ripley, and they are awesome. Strong, instantly loveable characters on their own, together they are a true powerhouse couple – fun and functional, fiercely passionate and madly in love with a connection that you can feel. I loved their story.

4.5 stars

Note – I listened to this as an audiobook and highly recommend it! Sebastian York is the perfect Boone Thrasher, this is pure eargasm-inducing goodness!


The Real Dirty Duet


Real Dirty (#1)
Buy:  Kindle Ebook  |  Paperback  | Audio

Real Sexy (#2)
Buy:  Kindle Ebook  |  Paperback  Audio


This series can be read independently, but it fits into Meghan’s other series.  This is the reading order:


Check our our Meghan March Author Spotlight for more great reads from this author.


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