Review: The Final Piece by Maggi Myers

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“We are all broken in one way or another. It’s how we put those pieces back together that matters.”

I LOVE THIS BOOK!!! It is fairly short (unliked this review… sorry, I just have to gush!), but packs a punch with heaps of emotion, and the most gorgeous love story that had me squeeing out loud.

We meet Beth when she is 10 years old and dancing around her bedroom, singing into her hairbrush to Xanadu (I loved her immediately!). With emotionally absent parents, Beth endures a traumatising childhood, being molested from a very young age by a family friend. And let me warn you, these scenes are emotional, graphic and incredibly disturbing. Told from the POV of a confused, distressed and terrified child while she endures the abuse (and later in flashback) it’s very tough reading.

But the story quickly moves to when 14 year old Beth is ‘rescued’ from her situation by her Uncle Rob, and family friend, Tommy. Both of these characters are incredible, but Tommy is something very special.

“Tommy senses me cowering behind him and grabs my hand. Without missing a beat, he pulls me forward and into a reassuring hug. “I got you, baby girl.””

Beth calls him her “champion”, and that is exactly what he is. She has always had a special relationship with him, and he is 100% there for her – protective, loving, and utterly adoring of her, he is Beth’s rock, and gives her everything that she needs.

“Tommy cocooned me in his arms. The same arms that struck out to protect me, the arms that saved me.
“In my life, I have never known, nor will I ever know, someone as strong and courageous as you, Elizabeth Irene Bradshaw,” Tommy whispers against my temple. I have no words, so I nod my head against his chest, hoping he understands my acceptance of his praise. “You honour me with your trust, baby girl. I am so very proud of you.””

Tommy and Uncle Rob whisk Beth away to the home of her grandparents, where she spends her summers every year, and the one place in the world that she considers home. There she meets up with Ryan, Tommy’s nephew and her childhood friend / tormentor. He is two years older than her, and recognises that she is suffering with something and with his tenderness and gentle teasing, he is the one to bring her out of her shell and back to herself, and feelings start to develop between them.

The emotions and excitement of first love are captured beautifully as Beth and Ryan tease, play and share meaningful stares. And even though they are surrounded by their families, I love that they are open with what they are feeling, and they don’t try to hide their growing affection for each other.

“I hold my breath and close my eyes as Ryan brushes the hair off my shoulder and whispers in my ear. “Pretty,” his breath dances across my ear and it takes a concerted effort not to swoon.
I am a goner.”

Me too!!! SWOOOOON!

But Beth and Ryan are torn apart before their fledgling romance really takes hold, and we then watch them through the following years as they go about their lives, trying to move on but never forgetting about each other.

Flashforward 10 years later (yes! 10 years!!), and both Beth and Ryan are pulled home to deal with a family tragedy. This is not a secret, it’s in the synopsis, but when it happened, I felt like the rug had been pulled out from under me. OMG, the emotion!!! It’s devastating, and watching Beth and Ryan deal with their grief absolutely broke my heart.

But it does provide our separated lovers with the opportunity to reunite. As they come together in their grief, they lean on each other in an attempt to cope with their tragedy, and find that the feelings that were stirred in them all of those years ago are still very much there. But is that enough to overcome Beth’s tragic past, and all that has happened in the intervening years?

I love these characters!

Beth is amazing. She goes through so much, but she pulls herself together and moves on. She never becomes a tragically whiny emo, she does her best to deal with what life throws at her, and lives her life. She is so brave, and I so admired her for that.

“You plant your own garden instead of waiting for someone to bring you flowers. In other words, take responsibility for your own needs and your own happiness.”

And Ryan is romance hero perfection! As a teenager, he is funny, caring, gentle and oh so swoony. All grown up, he is exactly the same, just more intense… and a whole lot hotter! He was never afraid to tell Beth what he was feeling, and I loved how he laid it all out for her and was so determined to not let her get away.

“No you don’t, Beth.” Ryan furrows his brow and closes the distance between us with two steps. “Don’t push me away because you think you shouldn’t lean on me. You need me, Beth, and I need you.”

I read this book in one sitting, unable to put it down. Reminiscent of A.L. Jackson and Priscilla Glenn, it is beautifully written, with heaps of emotion, and off the charts swoon.

“I love you, all of you. Every scar, every freckle… I love that you didn’t let your past stop you from chasing your dreams.
Hell bent and beautiful, you’re my heart.”

I absolutely loved it – 5 stars.


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