Review: Sweet Rome (Sweet Home, #1.5) by Tillie Cole

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“Sometimes you just know when a person is meant for you, and I always had with her. She got me… She fucking saved me.”

Rome Prince, I love you!!!

This book is the retelling of Sweet Home from Rome’s POV, but also goes on to show us more – events immediately follows the first book, and glimpses into the future which were absolutely sensational.

I’m not going to rehash anything because it’s the same story as Sweet Home and I already gushed enough in my review of that book, but I loved the opportunity to get inside of Rome’s head as he met and fell in love with Molly. I’m an out and proud romantic sap, and watching the campus playboy fall head over heels for a girl for the first time was absolutely gorgeous!

This girl was turning into everything I needed but never dreamed of being able to get. On the surface, she was my exact opposite, but deep down, she was getting me like no one ever had before.

“I’m going to show you what you mean to me, how much I want you, and show you that you’re mine. You get me, baby?”
“I get you, Romeo,” she replied with that sweet damn smile that she reserved just for me.
My smile, my girl… my fucking life.

And though he may be a sweetheart who is hopelessly in love, he’s still a guy, and his narration reflects that perfectly.

I found myself below Molly’s balcony, looking up at the stone columns, a dim light coming from her room, and I shook my head in complete disbelief.
Romeo below fucking Juliet’s balcony…. Fuck. Me. Sideways.
Reaching down to my junk, I checked my balls were still there… You know, just in case they’d been revoked at such a pathetic and desperate act, but yeah—still intact and aching for the chick in that room just a stone’s throw away.

Rome and Molly together are something truly special. They are so deeply in love, and so in-sync with each other, but they are put through hell, and if Sweet Home broke my heart, reading it all from Rome’s perspective shattered it! My heart actually hurt watching him suffer, and his guilt and devastation as he tried to deal with the fallout of it all had me in tears!. It was painful, but so beautifully written!

Alternate perspective books can be hit and miss, but I think Tillie Cole did a great job with this one. Her original story was wonderful, and seeing it all through Rome’s eyes made me fall for him even more. His strength and his huge heart absolutely shine, and I really enjoyed the opportunity to see him with his boys, particularly Austin, and I’m really excited for his book up next.

Sweet, funny, romantic and seriously sexy. I loved it!

4 stars.


The Sweet Home Series 

Sweet Home - 80  Sweet Rome - 80  Pageflex Persona [document: PRS0000447_00008]  Sweet Hope - 80  Sweet Soul - 80

Sweet Home (#1) (Rome and Molly)
Buy: Kindle Ebook | Paperback

Sweet Rome (#1.5) (Rome and Molly)
Buy: Kindle Ebook | Paperback

Sweet Fall (#2) (Austin and Lexi)
Buy: Kindle Ebook | Paperback

Sweet Hope (#3) (Elpi and Ally)
Buy: Kindle Ebook | Paperback

Sweet Soul (#4) (Levi and Elsie)
Buy: Kindle Ebook | Paperback


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