Review: Come Alive (Experiment in Terror, #7) by Karina Halle

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Dex and Perry are back baby! Oh yeah! And this time around, it’s Dex telling the story, oh yeah! Although I have to say, I did miss Perry. She’s such a great narrator, and there were times when I wanted to know what she was thinking. But the opportunity to get soooo much Dex can not be overrated!

Picking up the day after the end of Into the Hollow, Dex and Perry are finally together and the first part of the book deals with them coming to terms with everything that’s gone on between them, finally giving into the chemistry and just being together. And OMG it is FULL OF AWESOME!

“I just thought I should warn you that the second we walk into the apartment, I am going to maul the fuck out of you. I don’t care if you’re tired or bruised or scratched. You’ll just be more so when I’m finished.”

Yes, it’s HOT people!!! So freaking hot! (Chapter 4… wow!). But there’s also the emotional side of things, and in addition to being sexy as all hell, Dex is madly in love with his girl, and he’s not afraid to bring the feels.

“Perry, I’ve wanted you since the moment I saw you. I’m not going to stop showing you off or rubbing it in to everyone I know, anytime soon … You’re mine. And you’re mine alone. From now until the end of time.”

When they finally manage to drag themselves (somewhat reluctantly) out of bed, they return to work only to find that they are being forced to take on a partner – the, douchenozzle himself, Maximus (aka ‘Ginger Balls’). Highly unhappy with the arrangement, Dex makes his feelings known in some of the funniest outbursts I have ever seen.  

Thinking about that scene on the plane still makes me laugh!
 And this, combined with some classic new Dexisms as well as references to Seinfeld “vegetable lasagne” and The Simpsons “everything’s coming up Milhouse”, had me was clutching my sides with tears streaming down my face, I was laughing so hard. Absolute freaking GOLD!

And so, back to work, Dex, Perry and Maximus travel to New Orleans in a ‘make or break’ effort to save Experiment in Terror. Maximus is originally from New Orleans, and has ties to the city, so they team up with his ex-lover, Rose, (who also happens to see ghosts, and is kinda awesome) to investigate a haunted house, only to get sucked into zombie attacks and dark and deadly voodoo magic. It’s spooky as always, and the voodoo stuff brings a creepy and disturbing edge to everything.

And while all this is going on, we finally get answers to some of the questions that have been plaguing fans of the series for a few books now, and Dex has to face some horrific truths that threaten to bring his world crashing down around him. And seriously… OH. MY. GOD. Within the space of a few pages, I felt like the world was crashing down around me as well. Complete and utter devastation. I was so traumatised, I had to stop reading for a while to calm myself down and gather up the courage to continue. But Karina pulled me out of it in sensational style with an action packed climax and an absolutely EPIC finish.

Seriously – it was TOTALLY. FREAKING. EPIC, and I was in floods of tears yet again (beware of spoilery quote)…


“I love you, I’ve loved you from the very start. And…sometimes I think I can’t possibly love you more. And then I do. You fill me up and break my own heart, you know. It just creates more room. There is no limit. I love you, I love you, I love you and I’ll die saying it because I was born to feel it. I am in love with you, you wonderful, funny, handsome man.”


And then this…

“Baby, I love you, more than ever, more than anything in the fucking world. You are my world. And all I’ve ever wanted is for me to be yours.”

 *sniff sniff* PERFECTION!

This book is a wild ride! It’s fast paced, action packed and FULL of emotion. The dynamics between the characters are absolutely brilliant. Dex and Perry are, of course, amazing, and the emotion between the two of them just drips off the page, but there are also some sensational scenes with Maximus. I loved his inclusion in the story, and the further development of his character.

Karina Halle has absolutely delivered yet again, seven novels, and four novellas in the Experiment in Terror series, and she hasn’t let me down yet. Each books is just as good as, if not better than, the last. And with new story threads developing, as well as the continuation of established storylines that I love, I can’t wait to see where it goes from here.

I absolutely loved it! 5 phenomenal stars! (was there ever any doubt?)


Experiment in Terror series

Darkhouse - 80  Red Fox - 80  SONY DSC  Dead Sky Morning - 80  Lying Season - 80  SONY DSC  

The Dex-Files - 80  Into The Hollow - 80  And With Madness - 80  Come Alive - 80  Ashes to Ashes - 80  Dust to Dust - 80  Perception - 80

Darkhouse (#1)
Buy:  Kindle Ebook  |  Paperback

Red Fox (#2)
Buy:  Kindle Ebook  |  Paperback

The Benson (#2.5)
Buy:  Kindle Ebook  |  Paperback (available in the ‘Perception’ EIT novella collection)

Dead Sky Morning (#3)
Buy:  Kindle Ebook  |  Paperback

Lying Season (#4)
Buy:  Kindle Ebook  |  Paperback

On Demon Wings (#5)
Buy:  Kindle Ebook  |  Paperback

Old Blood (#5.5)
Buy:  Kindle Ebook  | Paperback (available in the ‘Perception’ EIT novella collection)

The Dex Files (#5.7)
Buy:  Kindle Ebook  | Paperback (available in the ‘Perception’ EIT novella collection)

Into the Hollow (#6)
Buy:  Kindle Ebook  |  Paperback

And With Madness Comes the Light (#6.5)
Buy:  Kindle Ebook  |  Paperback

Come Alive (#7)
Buy:  Kindle Ebook  |  Paperback

Ashes to Ashes (#8) 
Buy:  Kindle Ebook  |  Paperback

Dust to Dust (#9)
Buy:  Kindle Ebook  |  Paperback


Please see our Karina Halle Author Spotlight.




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