Review Requests

We are very happy to accept books for review, and if you would like us to read and review your book, please email us at

When submitting your request, please provide the following information:

  • A blurb for your book
  • The release date (if not released yet)
  • Genre
  • Is it a standalone or part of a series?
    (If it’s a series, is it a continuous story or interconnected standalones.  And are the other books released/when will they be released?
  • Is it dark, angsty, emotional, funny, light, etc.?
  • Is there cheating or a love triangle?
  • Is there a happy ending?
  • Is there a cliffhanger?

None of the above are definite red flags for us, we just like to have some idea what to expect.

We would love to be able to read everything that we are offered, but we both have children and jobs and, you know… life, so sadly we’re unable to read everything that we are offered.  If we are interested in reading your book we will get in contact with you as quickly as we can, although please be aware that we don’t read to a schedule and choose books depending on what we’re in the mood for, so we won’t be able to provide you with a date when we will read your book.  But we will definitely let you know if we post a review, and will send you all relevant links once posted (blog, Goodreads, Amazon, etc.).

We are all about honesty in our reviews, and even if we don’t love a book, please be assured our reviews are respectful and balanced.

Thanks so much for considering us.  We look forward to hearing from you.

AJ and Mel.