Release Day, ARC Review & Giveaway: Logan (Preston Brothers, #1) by Jay McLean


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As a kid, Logan Preston was a brat.
Through his teens, he became the bad boy.
Now, at nineteen, no one knows what the hell to expect.

High school dropout, Logan Preston is a good-for- nothing stoner.
A black sheep.
A disappointment.
The worst Preston Punk of the lot.
At least that’s how everyone in his small town makes him feel.
But Logan Preston has secrets.

Secrets so dark and so deep below the surface that the only way he can fight them is to stay high, high, high.
He wears cockiness as a mask.
Arrogance as his armor.

Until one girl, one night, asks one life-changing question:  What’s beneath the bravado, Logan Preston?




“I am conflict.
…she is hope.”

4.5 raw, emotional stars!

Oh, Jay McLean, what have you done to my poor heart! I have SO much love for Logan Preston! Such a wonderfully complex character, the boy broke my heart and made me fall in love, and I felt every moment of his tumultuous story. This is a gorgeous romance, a beautiful story about family, and a heartbreaking journey for a tormented man. A raw and emotional read that made me laugh, swoon and cry, and I couldn’t put it down.

Logan is the middle of the seven Preston siblings (aka the ‘Preston Punks’). He is the one with the snarky attitude who sleeps around and spends his time getting high. From the outside it seems like he’s just wasting his life away, but in reality he is deeply tortured, and is desperately searching for a way to forget memories from the past which continually torment him.

Ava is a friend of the girl that Logan is currently ‘seeing’. She moved to town a few months ago as an adventure to start a new life for herself, but things haven’t quite worked out the way she imagined and she is still figuring things out. She and Logan have met, and they had an intense dislike of each other, but at a party one night they start to look at each other differently, and that hilarious animosity turns into something different.

“What’s beneath the bravado, Logan Preston?”

This isn’t a textbook romance. Sure, Logan and Ava are attracted to each other, but it’s a slow and gradual thing as they work themselves out. It’s messy, and it’s complicated by Logan and the way he is, and by things that Ava has been through, and I could feel the struggle as they work out what it is they want and then fight to figure out how to be together.

“I’ve never wanted anything as badly as I want you. I just want to be with you, and I want that to be enough.”

And I could feel everything right along with them – the confusion and uncertainty, the passion, excitement and bliss of first love, the heartache, and the contentment that comes from finding your soul mate and creating something special together. It’s a rollercoaster and it’s full of feels, with my heart damn near breaking and then bursting with happiness as it all played out.

“I never want to hurt you, Red,” he whispers. “Don’t let me hurt you, okay?”
“You haven’t,” I assure, running my hands through his hair.
He rears back, his eyes on mine again. “Promise me?”
“I swear.”

As they come to terms with what they are feeling and work through their issues, we get a gorgeous love story that is sweet, sexy, full of fun moments, and beautifully emotional as Logan falls hard for the first time in his life.

“I might not be the best guy for you right now, and I know that, but I’m going to try Aubrey. I’m going to try really fucking hard to be the guy you deserve.”

But despite the happiness that they have found together, there are demons right beneath the surface, and omg, the feeeeeeels! My heart shattered. I literally ached as I read with tears streaming down my face, and all I wanted to do was take these characters in my arms and hold them. It’s not easy to read, but I thought the way it was written was realistic – raw, intense and real, and I could feel the torment as Logan and Ava were put to the test in ways the never could have imagined.

And so much more than just Logan and Ava, this is a story about family. Logan’s dad and his siblings all play a big part, and I loved seeing the dynamics at play within the family, as well as seeing the stories progress for the characters from this and the More Than series. The big surprise in this book was Lachlan – the youngest Preston is only 9 years old, but he has a huge part to play in this story. I loved the way his relationships with Logan and Ava were explored, and his impact on them, and the story, is profound and so, so gorgeous.

Jay McLean has done a wonderful job writing this book. There are moments in the story that are so intense and meaningful, I actually held my breath while reading. Two moments in particular I think will be permanently etched on my brain – small moments that are beautifully written and that mean EVERYTHING, and they brought the waterworks once again.

Overall, this is a beautifully written, emotional, angsty, heartbreaking but ultimately healing story. The romance is gorgeous, the family dynamics are spot-on, and I loved Logan and Ava’s journey.

“I feel like I was destined to find you,” …
“I feel like you were destined to save me.”

4.5 stars.

An Advanced Review Copy was generously provided by the author in exchange for an honest review.


The Preston Brothers series

lucas     Cover Coming Soon - 80  Cover Coming Soon - 80

Lucas (#1)
Buy:  Amazon  |  Paperback

Logan (#2)
Buy:  Amazon  |  Paperback

Leo (#3)
Buy:  Amazon

Liam (#4)
To be released 21 October
Pre-order:  Amazon

Untitled (#5)
To be released


The Preston Brothers series is a spin off from book #4 of the More Than series, More than Forever.


The More Than series

More Than This - 80  More Than Her - 80  More Than Him - 80  More Than Forever - 80  More Than Enough - 80

More Than This (More Than, #1) (Jake & Mikayla)
Buy: Kindle Ebook | Paperback

More Than Her (More Than, #2) (Logan & Amanda)
Buy: Kindle Ebook | Paperback

More Than Him (More Than, #3) (Logan & Amanda)
Buy: Kindle Ebook | Paperback

More Than Forever (More Than, #4) (Cameron & Lucy)
Buy: Kindle Ebook | Paperback

More Than Enough (More Than, #5) (Dylan)
Buy: Kindle Ebook | Paperback



To celebrate this release, Jay McLean is giving away signed paperback copies of Lucas and Logan.


The Escapist Book Blog is not responsible for this giveaway


About the Author

Jay McLean is an international best-selling author and full-time reader, writer of New Adult Romance, and most of all, procrastinator. When she’s not doing any of those things, she can be found running after her two little boys, playing house and binge watching Netflix.

She writes what she loves to read, which are books that can make her laugh, make her hurt and make her feel.

Jay lives in the suburbs of Melbourne, Australia, in a forever half-done home where music is loud and laughter is louder.




Check out our Jay McLean Author Spotlight for more details


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