Audio Review: Getting Schooled (Getting Some, #1) by Emma Chase

Getting Schooled

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6 massive stars!

OMG, this book! This book is EVERYTHING that I love about Emma Chase. EVERYTHING! It’s funny, sweet, smart, sexy and romantic, and a functional, easy friends-to-lovers romance that absolutely captured my heart. I was in love from the beginning right through to the end and I reveled in every moment of this wonderfully entertaining and blissfully romantic story.

Garrett Daniels is the golden boy of Lakeside, New Jersey. Once the high school football hero, he is now the team’s coach, and the cool teacher that every loves. He is confident, charmingly cocky, happy, successful and well-adjusted, and funny as all hell. And his happy little existence is knocked on its head when Callie Carpenter returns to town.

Garrett and Callie were high school sweethearts and they loved each other madly. But college and distance put an end to their relationship. It was painful but it wasn’t a nasty break up, it was just what they had to do as they went off and chased their dreams. Callie is now living in San Diego and has just gotten the job of her dreams when she receives a phone call that throws her life into disarray and has her hurrying back to her home town. Her family needs her, so she temporarily uproots herself to move back town for a while to help out. And when she takes a temp job as the drama teacher at her old high school, there is Garrett.

There’s no hiding from each other, no longing stares or game playing. They don’t shy away from each other or hide their excitement about seeing each other again and they ‘click’ right back into the easiness that was always between them. They are friends who flirt, but only while they get to know each other again, and then it’s all on as they naturally and easily fall into being something more.

I have feelings for him. I always have … But these aren’t just left over echoes of a sweet first love. This is something new. A throbbing, breathless attraction to the amazing man he’s become. I want to be near him, to know him, inside and out all over again.
And he feels the same way. Garret wants this version of me as much as he always did. Maybe even more.

It’s pure awesome, and I loved watching them together – effortlessly recapturing what they once had and making it even better.

“You were always my girl, Callie. Even after you weren’t any more.”

I love Garret and Callie!
I love them together.
I love them individually.
I love them with their friends.
I love them with their families.
I love them with Garret’s dog.
I love them with their colleagues.
I love them with their students.

They are both smart, funny, matter-of-fact people. There’s no game playing or stupid, they are up front and honest about everything and it’s sensational.

“What is this to you? What are we doing? What do you want?”
Garrett smiles that easy smile that makes me want to lick every single inch of his skin.
“This is you and me. The reboot. We’ll talk and laugh and fuck until we can’t move, and probably fight at some point, too. And we’ll… be.”
I reach for him. He releases my arms and rolls us to the side, my hands around his neck, my leg draped across his hip.
“As for what I want. I want you, Callie. For as long as you’re here. For as long as you’ll let me have you. I want all of you.”

And did I mention totally freaking hot?

“I want to be above you, beneath you, behind you. I want you weak, drained from coming, hoarse from screaming my name. I’m going to need hours, baby. Fuckin’ days.”

But as amazing as everything is between them, there are still issues to deal with and decisions that need to be made. And I honestly adored every funny, wonderful, heartfelt, teary, passionate, swoony moment as it all played out.

“This is real and solid…and us. How did I breathe without this? How will I exist without it?”

As much as I got completely swept up in the love story, the scenes at school were just as fantastic. Either dealing with their students, their colleagues or their headmaster, I was laughing out loud at the banter and joking that goes on. There are lots of side characters introduced – those that are important to the storyline, and those that are just there briefly, but they all bring something to the story, and the dynamics are hilarious and heartfelt.

The book ends on a high note, with not one, but THREE epilogues to finish everything off beautifully.

And just to add to the awesomeness, the audiobook narration is fantastic. Two of my favourites – Zachary Webber and Andie Arndt – bring these characters to life and tell this story with such wit, humour and heart, it’s just perfect, and I recommend listening to this one if you get the opportunity.

I honestly can’t rave enough about this book. It’s an instant favourite, and one I look forward to rereading over and over again. I can only hope that we get to revisit this fantastic bunch of characters if this book becomes a series. My fingers are crossed.

6 massive stars!

An copy of this audiobook was generously provided by the author in exchange for an honest review.


Getting Some

Getting Schooled    

Getting Schooled (#1) (Garrett & Callie)
Buy:  Amazon iBooks B&N  |  Kobo Paperback  |  Audio

Getting Played (#2) (Dean & Lainey)
Buy: Amazon iBooks B&N Kobo  |  Paperback  |  Audio

Getting Real (#3) (Connor & Violet)
Buy:  Amazon iBooks  |  B&N Kobo PaperbackAudio


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