Review: Chasing River (Burying Water, #3) by K.A. Tucker

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4.5 “Please stay” stars

I loved this book! A great romance with some crime drama and a touch of history, it was really well put together and a beautiful story that had me captivated from the very beginning.

This is the third book in the Burying Water series, and while it ties in to the other books in the series, it has a really different feel to it, and can easily be read as a standalone.

Amber is the twin sister of Jesse, the hero from Burying Water. 25 years old, she is on the trip of a lifetime that she has been working and saving hard for, off exploring the world on her own, and hoping to broaden her horizons at the same time. She is in Dublin, Ireland, when she is saved from serious harm and possible death by a gorgeous Irishman who literally throws himself on her, shielding her from an explosion in the park she is running through.

River Delaney is no stranger to trouble, mostly because of his older brother, Aengus, who has ties to a notorious crime group. But he never expected to find himself in the position of hero, which is exactly what happens when he saves Amber in the park that day. Knowing that he would be unable to explain his presence or his actions to the authorities, he runs from the scene as soon as he ascertains that Amber is ok.

Amber is understandably shaken by the event, but as the shock wears off and she starts to remember the details from that day, she tracks River down at his family’s pub where he works, determined to thank him for saving her life. River initially tries to keep his distance from Amber, not wanting to involve her in his family dramas, but neither of them are able to resist their draw to each other. And as they spend time together – with some great flirting, innocent touches and lots of sweet moments – they fall for each other in what is a beautifully developing romance that, for the two of them, is sweet and easy, but also so incredibly complicated. Not only is Amber shortly due to leave the country to continue on her journey, but River’s brother’s affiliations are causing problems for River and his family, and River himself has a past that he hasn’t shared with Amber.

“I haven’t forgotten what you did for me, River. I’ll never forget.”
“I’d do it again. A thousand times over.”

Amber and River are both fantastic characters. Amber is not perfect, but she’s very relatable, and I really admired her strength and determination. And River is absolutely gorgeous! A good guy fighting against unfair circumstances, he is loyal and brave, and an absolute sweetheart. I adored these two together, and my mind was spinning trying to figure out how they were going to get their HEA.

“I want you to look at me the way you used to. I want you to think that I’m good. I want you to still want me.”

I love the way their love story unfolded, and I love the way they handled everything that was happening between them. Despite all that they are facing, they are incredibly functional and honest about how they are feeling. There is drama, but it never becomes overwhelming, and Amber and River don’t allow it to come between them. They deal with it together, and they genuinely try to do the best for themselves, their loved ones and each other

The story is fast moving, and as much as I loved Amber and River’s love story, I also really enjoyed the historical and political element of the story and the way that it was woven into the overarching plotline, and the natural extension of that into the dramas of River’s family. There is so much more to this book than just the romance, and it’s all tied together to create a compelling story.

The book builds to a heart-pounding climax that had me on the edge of my seat, but the ending is beautifully satisfying. Just because of my love for the characters, I would have liked a little bit more detail, but the book finishes in a great place, and the epilogue provides a nice little glimpse into the future. I’m really looking forward to Ivy’s book next, and hope that we haven’t seen the last of these characters.

My favourite of the series so far. I absolutely loved it – 4.5 stars.

An Advanced Reader Copy was generously provided by the publisher in exchange for an honest review.


Burying Water series


Burying Water (#1)
Buy:  Kindle Ebook Paperback Audio

Becoming Rain (#2)
Buy:  Kindle Ebook  |  Paperback Audio

Chasing River (#3)
Buy:  Kindle Ebook Paperback Audio

Surviving Ice (#4)
Buy:  Kindle Ebook Paperback Audio


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