ARC Review: Oops, I’ve Fallen by Max Monroe

Oops, I’ve Fallen
by Max Monroe

Released – 26 March 2021


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If my time with Ryan Miller were a hit track on the radio, I imagine the lyrics would go something like this…

“We’re so different, but they say opposites attract. Oops, I’ve fallen, and my heart doesn’t want to come back.”

But, holy bingo night, is my attraction to the sexy, broody businessman so much more complicated than the chorus of a song.

His dad lives right next to my mom, and after the two of them suffered an unexplained accident while taking down holiday decorations, both Ryan and I were forced to become the only thirtysomething residents of Sunny Creek Village Independent Senior Living Community.

Temporarily moving in might seem like overkill for a fractured tailbone and a severely pulled groin muscle, but believe me, when your mom is as wild as mine and your dad is as cantankerous as Ryan’s, they need supervision to ensure they stick to doctor’s orders.

Constantly thrown together by the antics of our crazy parents and the tough-as-nails community enforcer, Betty Matthews, Ryan and I formed an alliance for the sole purpose of survival.

But I never expected to be so interested in finding out what he was hiding beneath his grumpy, serious demeanor. More than that, I never dreamed what I found would be the kind of man women sell their souls to the devil for.

Unfortunately, our little one-hit wonder on the airwaves has more to say before it comes to an end.

Although, finishing the outro to this song is a real doozy…

Tell me…what lyric rhymes with Oops, I’ve fallen for my future stepbrother?

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4.5 “live in the moment” stars!

Oops, I’ve Fallen is hilarious and I couldn’t get enough of it. Seriously, I could not stop laughing the moment I opened this book. From Carly and Ryan to Sal and Stella, I fell in love with these characters and the adorable love story!

Carly is the fly by the seat of your pants kind of girl who owns a ski shop in Colorado and Ryan is the rule following, workaholic living in New York City. Neither are looking for love but that is exactly what they find when they both separately head to Sunny Creek Village to take care of their parents after an accident. What Carly and Ryan aren’t expecting is that Sal, Ryan’s dad, and Stella, Carly’s mom, were in the accident together and the accident wasn’t exactly the “fall” they thought.

I adored this story! The meet-cute is hilarious and it only gets better from there. Carly and Ryan start off on the wrong foot but end up on the right one in this entertaining romantic comedy full of all the laughs. These two are total opposites but they complement either other perfectly. They bring out the best in one another and also bring differing perspectives to life. They are so funny together and add in the insane heat they create together, and they throw out all the rules when it comes to their relationship.

She’s the funny chaos to my predictable order.
The wild to my rule-following.
The impulsive to my cautious.
She is everything I didn’t know I needed, and now that I have her, I can
never go back to my old life.

Sal and Stella are a hoot too. This story is also a love story for the parents, and I enjoyed their kooky ways. They are easy going and know what they want. They have a second chance at a forever love, and I couldn’t help but warm with the depth of their love.

Both couples are full of shenanigans and I loved it all! The whole set up is fantastic and fun. I loved the dynamics of Sunny Creek Village and the secondary characters and the over the top humor we find there. From the villains to the allies, they were all a great addition to the story.

Overall, Oops, I’ve Fallen is another romcom hit that will keep a smile on your face long after the last page is turned. And don’t miss the fantastic extended epilogue that is icing on the cake. I loved it!

*ARC generously provided by the author*


About Max Monroe

A duo of romance authors team up under the New York Times and USA Today Bestselling pseudonym Max Monroe to bring you sexy, laugh-out-loud reads. 

Max Monroe is the New York Times and USA Today Bestselling author of more than ten contemporary romance titles. Favorite writing partners and long time friends, Max and Monroe strive to live and write all the fun, sexy swoon so often missing from their Facebook newsfeed. Sarcastic by nature, their two writing souls feel like they’ve found their other half. This is their most favorite adventure thus far. ​

Stay up to date with Max Monroe by joining their MAILING LIST today! 




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