Review: The Storm (The Storm, #3.5) by Samantha Towle

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4.5 stars!

I love The Storm series and am a huge fan of all things Jake and Tru. I can’t believe I’ve waited this long to read this novella, but I’m so glad I dove back into this world, and I loved this heartfelt story.

Jake and Tru are now happily married and the parents to three children. They are living their dream when Jake receives unexpected news that may upend his happy life. I admit, I was worried going into this one, because I didn’t want to have to watch Jake and Tru go through even more heartache. And though there is a brief moment, this is pretty much angst-free. What it is, is a heartachingly emotional ride that is surprising, but beautifully and honestly handled.

“Whatever happens, Jake, I’m right by your side. I’m always by your side.”

There is a lot of feels in this little story, and I loved being right in the middle of it all. Written entirely from Jake’s perspective, I was right there with him as he revisits his past, and looks to his future, creating the best life for his family and the people he loves. It’s a fabulous story for fans of the series, and I’m excited to stay in this world for just a little longer to see how this new development plays out.

This is a beautifully emotional and sweet story of found family, true family, and the mad love between this amazing couple.

“I’ve loved you my whole life, Tru. There hasn’t been a single second in it when I haven’t loved you.”

Loved this one – 4.5 stars!


The Storm

The Mighty Storm  Wethering the Storm  Taming the Storm    

The Mighty Storm (#1) (Jake & Tru)
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Wethering the Storm (#2) (Jake & Tru)
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Taming the Storm (#3) (spin off, Tom & Lila)
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The Storm (#3.5) (Jake & Tru)
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Finding Storm (#4) (spin off, Storm & Stevie)
Buy:  Kindle Ebook  |  Paperback


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