Review: And With Madness Comes the Light (Experiment in Terror, #6.5) by Karina Halle

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Another heart-wrenching look into the head of Dex Foray, this novella tells the story of what Dex went through while Perry was suffering through the events of On Demon Wings, and OMG it’s an intense read!

A quick warning that if you haven’t read the Experiment in Terror books, there will be some spoilers for the overarching storyline in this review, so read at your own risk!

The story starts after ‘that’ big showdown at the end of Lying Season, and Dex is completely broken.

“I wasn’t Dex Foray. I was just this emotion that was crumbling to the floor, holding onto the doorway like it was the last thread of my humanity.”

We are given hints in other books of the series about what Dex went through while he was separated from Perry, but actually witnessing it is gut wrenching! He is broken hearted, angry and full of self loathing, and the depths to which he falls is absolutely devastating!

“I fucked up. More than I have ever fucked up before. I had the love of my life in my hands for one beautiful, exquisite moment before I ripped her apart and my heart bore the paper cuts.” 

And again, the depth of emotion he was feeling just blew me away. He feels things so incredibly deeply, and that made the whole thing so much more painful to read!

“I felt like I was choking. My words came out hoarsely as I gasped for air, as I allowed myself to feel. “It hurts more than I know what to do with. I can’t handle this. I can’t.”

But, with a little help from his friends, we witness his journey from moody, angsty, and closed-off Dex, to the new and improved Dex 2.0, which I really enjoyed. After seeing him so low, I loved seeing him find his strength, pick himself up and sort himself out.

The story takes us all the way up to the big moment in On Demon Wings, and watching it all unfold from Dex’s POV was brutal! As he watches Perry struggle through her ordeal, and realises all that she has been through, my heart broke for him. And that final page… WAAAAAAIL!!! Heart breaking stuff!

But there are enough moments of lightness to keep this from being utterly depressing. Moments with Rebecca and Dean are hilarious and definite highlights

“Frankly, I don’t think I could hang out with you if you weren’t the vice type of guy.”
“Well then, you’ll be pleased to know that I’m still drinking and I’m still wanking to porn.”
“That’s my boy,” she said appraisingly. 

And we also get to see interactions with Bird, “little fifteen”, the “twatwaffling she-devil, Metro von Dickfucker and the Red nutsack (aka “douchecanoe”). LOL! Dex has a way with words!

Another 5 stars for the genius that is Ms Halle. I love how this series is so fleshed out, and even though some of the books leave you with questions, or maybe left trying to interpret something, with her novellas and the added POVs, she is filling in all the gaps and giving us extra pieces of the complete picture that just make the overall story so much stronger.

Love, love, loved it!!!


Experiment in Terror series

Darkhouse - 80  Red Fox - 80  SONY DSC  Dead Sky Morning - 80  Lying Season - 80  SONY DSC  

The Dex-Files - 80  Into The Hollow - 80  And With Madness - 80  Come Alive - 80  Ashes to Ashes - 80  Dust to Dust - 80  Perception - 80

Darkhouse (#1)
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Red Fox (#2)
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The Benson (#2.5)
Buy:  Kindle Ebook  |  Paperback (available in the ‘Perception’ EIT novella collection)

Dead Sky Morning (#3)
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Lying Season (#4)
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On Demon Wings (#5)
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Old Blood (#5.5)
Buy:  Kindle Ebook  | Paperback (available in the ‘Perception’ EIT novella collection)

The Dex Files (#5.7)
Buy:  Kindle Ebook  | Paperback (available in the ‘Perception’ EIT novella collection)

Into the Hollow (#6)
Buy:  Kindle Ebook  |  Paperback

And With Madness Comes the Light (#6.5)
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Come Alive (#7)
Buy:  Kindle Ebook  |  Paperback

Ashes to Ashes (#8) 
Buy:  Kindle Ebook  |  Paperback

Dust to Dust (#9)
Buy:  Kindle Ebook  |  Paperback


Please see our Karina Halle Author Spotlight.



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