Review: Taste of Torment (Deep In Your Veins, #3) by Suzanne Wright

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4.5 stars!

This is a hidden gem of a PNR series that doesn’t seem to get a lot of publicity, but it absolutely should. Full of fantastic, smart-talking characters with kickass abilities, an intriguing and well fleshed-out paranormal world, lots of laughs, and of course a scorchingly hot romance, the books in this series are full of action and great fun. If you haven’t made a start yet, get on it with this – Here Be Sexist Vampires.

At the beginning of this book, there’s a good recap given on events so far, so if it’s been a while since you’ve read the first two books, you should catch up pretty easily – although please don’t think about starting the series with this one, because nothing will make sense!

This book starts 5 months after Sam and Jared’s Binding ceremony. They are still blissfully in love, happy, and shagging at every opportunity, so all is happy in their little world. And then come a series of events that threatens the peace that they have found.

Firstly, the Grand High Master declares his intention to stand down – and with Jared as his heir, it means it’s time for the two of them to step up. Secondly, serious complaints are made against Sam, bringing in officials to shadow her – watching and judging her every move. Then there are missing vampires, a deadly vampire plague, a vamp on the run, jealous exes, and a frightening premonition that will bring destruction and death and could cost Sam and Jared all that they hold dear. Phew! And it’s all tied in with fast-paced banter, brilliant verbal smackdowns, heaps of action and a love story that will have you swooning.

Sam and Jared are a powerhouse couple. They are committed, they are powerful, and they are partners in every sense of the word. Completely devoted to each other, they have a fantastic relationship full of teasing banter, dirty talk, and a whole lot of steamy time.

“You’ll pay for this”. I had to battle a smile. She didn’t bother to hide hers.
“If you mean you’re going to tie me to the bed again and make me come over and over until I can’t think straight… come and give it to me”.
“I did. You swallowed it, remember?”
“Ooh, good one.”

But underneath all of the laughs and the passion, they are madly in love with each other, and share an incredibly deep bond. Their dedication to each other is really put to the test in this one, and I absolutely love the way it was handled.

“I love you … Baby, you’re the only ‘good’ thing that I’ve ever had. There’s simply no fucking way I’m letting anything at all happen to you. No. Way.”

The story is told from dual POV, which I love! Sam is a fantastic narrator, and I love her voice, but being able to be inside of Jared’s head is fantastic. I love his monologue, and how we get to truly see how much he loves and respects Sam – especially after their antagonistic beginning, and even with her constant sarcasm and snarkiness.

“It seemed that people had a habit of underestimating my blunt, crazy, homicidal ray of sunshine. More fool them.

With so many sub-plots, the action is constantly up and down as one problem is resolved, only for another to pop up, cause havoc, get dealt with, and then yet another problem comes up… you see where I’m going with this. It’s an exciting read, and even through there are multiple storylines, it’s all tied in to the overarching story, and keeps the story moving at a great pace.

All of the old characters are back, with some significant developments happening there (oh Evan *dreamy sigh*), and some new characters are brought into the story, creating some great dynamics and who I am sure will play a big part in the continuation of the series.

With humour, drama, romance, kickass action and some big surprises, this is a great read. There is a HEA, and no cliffhanger, but there is definitely a big hint dropped at the end that there are more books to come. And I can’t wait!

Loved it – 4.5 stars.


Deep In Your Veins


Here Be Sexist Vampires (#1) (Sam & Jared)
Buy:  Amazon  Paperback

The Bite That Binds (#2) (Sam & Jared)
Buy:  Amazon  Paperback

Taste of Torment (#3) (Sam & Jared)
Buy:  Amazon  Paperback

Consumed (#4) (Salem & Ava)
Buy:  Amazon  Paperback

Fractured (#5) (Butch & Amani)
Buy:  Amazon  Paperback

Captivated (#6) (Anthology of novellas)
Buy:  Amazon

Touch of Rapture (#7) (Sam & Jared)
Buy:  Amazon


Find full series info on our Deep In Your Veins series page.

Fore more of Suzanne Wright’s series, check out our Phoenix Mack / Mercury Pack.



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