Review: City of Ghosts (Downside Ghosts #3) by Stacia Kane

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Wow, what a ride!! I had such a hard time putting this book down.

This book gets STRAIGHT back into the action, and doesn’t let up until the heart-pumping, fingernail-biting climax. As usual there are lots of spooky ghosts and very descriptive gore, but this book had even more twists and turns than the others in the series, and it took me longer than usual to figure out who exactly was the bad guy.

And through it all, Chess is still Chess, and for all of her fucked-up-ness, I absolutely love her!

She was alive, and she was stuck in this fucking tunnel, and she had just broken a fuck of a hex ward, and now she was going to have to walk through the toad-door into who-the-fuck-knew-what with someone who touched her only under duress. Some days it just didn’t pay to get out of bed.

And of course there’s Terrible *sigh*. Of course he’s still pissed off with the events from book 2, and he lets Chess know it.

Terrible’s eyes narrowed; he gave Chess the kind of look most people reserved for ax murderers. Ax murderers who killed children. And kittens.

The chemistry between these two is off the freaking charts, and it finally explodes in an insanely intense fight, fuelled with emotion.

 Of course the issues are still there between them, and things aren’t worked out for them straight away, but I love that Chess is the one who finally puts herself out there for him. All while kicking bad guy ass of course!

Yes, there is a happy ending, but I get the feeling that things won’t be all smooth and happy for our beloved Chess just yet. Can’t wait to continue on with the series.


Please see our Downside Ghosts page for more series info – including reading order, review and buy links.


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