Review: Tyed by L.J. Shen

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3.5 “Bmine” stars!

Blaire is in college getting a communications degree to appease her parents but she hates it. She gets assigned a journalism project about MMA and after doing some research, she is just as uninterested as before. The first time she meets Ty he rubs her the wrong way. Then when she has to interact with him again, she is thrown off kilter and doesn’t know what to make of him. Ty is a bad boy that is gorgeous, strong, and demanding. He’s also a fighter at The Grind, the XWL gym she is visiting to gather the info needed for her assignment. When she goes to interview Ty, he giver her an ultimatum – a date in exchange for an interview. When she agrees to the date, little does she know the affect it would have on her life.

I really enjoyed Blaire and Ty’s story. It’s funny and swoony with a little bit of angst and steam. I thought the storyline was well developed and the characters were entertaining. Blaire is smart, sexy, and feisty. She has a super model twin sister named Izzy, and though Ty will disagree, Blaire thinks she got the short end of the stick. She is sassy and her unique and quirky personality makes her likable and even relatable. I loved getting into her head and all the funny thoughts she had while trying to figure out her emotions.

I’m so out of my depth here. The sport, the blood, the men…the Ty…
It looks like Brain and Hormones are in for a fight. Just as long as Heart stays out of the ring.

Ty is a total alpha who he shows his sweet side to Blaire. He is different with her than with anyone else and isn’t interested in a one-night stand he usually goes for. I loved that he was committed from the moment they met and that he was persistent even when she tried to deny her feelings. He is also straight to the point and says what he wants, especially when it comes to Blair.

“I crave you. I want all of you, every single inch of you. And call it only-child syndrome, but I. DO. NOT. FUCKING. SHARE.”

Blaire and Ty are total opposites but they are really good together. The banter is great and the chemistry is electric. The sexual tension surrounds them, building until they can’t avoid it any longer. I liked that they are open with each other about what they want and accepting of each other when they finally go all in.

“What are you doing to me, Blaire?…”
“I’m not sure, but you did it first to me.”

Things are going well until huge secrets are revealed that ruin everything. Pain and heartache follows and it was hard to swallow the truth. I understand the reactions to the whole situation but I felt that the way Blaire handled things was more dramatic than necessary. I totally take Ty’s side in this instance even though it was his secret to begin with. I also think it all wrapped up a little too easily too and I wanted to see them really discuss everything that happened after the blow up.

Overall, I enjoyed this fighter romance and can’t wait to read more from L.J. Shen!


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