Review: One More Chance (Rosemary Beach, #8; Chance, #2) by Abbi Glines

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4 heartachingly beautiful stars

Book 8 in the Rosemary Beach series gives us the second and final part of Grant and Harlow’s story, and it is one emotional ride!

Grant and Harlow’s relationship developed beautifully throughout [book:Take a Chance|18053782] until Harlow’s big secret was revealed, Grant didn’t handle the situation well, and she left. This book picks up a little over a month later, Harlow is hiding out with her brother in Texas, and Grant is stuck at home not knowing where Harlow is and suffering terribly without her. Both are broken hearted but Harlow is in protective mode, while Grant wants nothing more than to find his girl and bring her home, and prove to her that he is the man that she needs and she is all he wants. A small nudge is all it takes to bring them back together, and their reunion is swoony and effortless, but their biggest battle is still ahead of them as they face the ultimate fight for the life they want together.

“If we have a lifetime or only a few moments together, you will be the most important thing that ever happens to me in this life.”

OMG, this book is heartachingly swoontastic and so, so beautiful! The story took off in a direction I wasn’t expecting, but I loved watching it all play out. Sweet and cheesy as hell? Yep! Do I care? Not one little bit! Frankly, with all that these two have been through and continue to go through, they deserve sweet and cheesy, and I love that we get every little moment of it detail – giving us the chance to get up close and personal with everything that’s happening. And I felt all of it!

Harlow and Grant both shine in this book. We know from the first book how strong and resilient Harlow is, but everything is kicked up a notch in this one and her strength and determination is incredible. And then there’s Grant *swoon*. His fears about losing the person he loves most in the world still haunt him, but he has now realised Harlow’s importance in his life, and I loved watching the changes in him as he gave into his feelings and embraced everything that was happening between them. He is a man who is madly in love, and his supportiveness, protectiveness, caring nature and romantic declarations had me swooning madly.

“You came into my life. You changed my world. You made me realize I’m capable of loving completely. You’re my one. You’re it. This is my epic love, and I can’t lose that.”

And, of course, he’s still sex-on-a-stick, and the sexy time is HOT!

This story was beautifully told. It’s not got as much happening as other books in the series but like I said, I appreciated that attention to detail that really draws you in. I loved that we followed Grant and Harlow so closely as they stand strong together to fight for their future, they were so amazing together! And I liked that Abbi threw in a few different POVs while all of the drama was happening, adding a bit more intensity to that final part of the book while I sat there with tears streaming down my face as it all unfolded.

I loved it! It made my heart ache, but the journey was worth it and it was beautifully told with an ending that left me with a ridiculously cheesy grin on my face. It’s a great addition to the series.

4 stars.


For full series info, see our Rosemary Beach series page.

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