Review: A Fall of Water (Elemental Mysteries, #4) by Elizabeth Hunter

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It’s over *sniff*, I can’t believe it’s over! But OMG, what a sensational ride! There are twists, turns, and shocks along the way, and after four books, everything is wrapped up beautifully! It’s AWESOME!

I loved the way this story unfolded. Like the other books in the series, it merges fantastically from the horrific events immediately ending the last book of the series (and the emotion is still right there!), into the next stage of the journey – this time in Rome, as Gio and Beatrice continue their search for the missing book, the mystery elixir, and psycho evil guy, Lorenzo. There is, again, a lot of political strategy going on, and I loved the scheming and power plays.

And, for the first time, the entire gang is together! Gio and Beatrice are accompanied by Ben, Dez and Matt, with Carwyn and Tenzin along for the ride, as well as a few unexpected and friends popping up, and a whole raft of new characters – including the mysterious Livia.

But really, it’s all about Gio and Beatrice, and their story is incredible. They have been through so much, both together and apart, but they are so in love, there for each other through everything, they accept each other without question, and they are totally committed to each other. There’s no stupid, no unnecessary drama, they are together, they are happy, and that’s it. And it’s fantastic! And my beloved Gio is still bringing the swoon!

“Loving you has been the finest thing I have done in five hundred years … I do not tell you enough.”
She looked up and smiled. “You tell me every night.”
“It is not enough … It is never enough”
“It is enough.”
“No.” … “Never enough. It should be the unceasing prayer on my lips. The echo in every breath I take.”

*dreamy sigh*

While Gio and Beatrice have never been lacking for sexy time, it’s definitely a bit more explicit in this one. But it’s not gratuitous. It’s always very emotive, and suits the mood and the emotion that it needs to, and it fits into the story beautifully.

As a bonus, we also get some flashbacks to Gio’s youth sprinkled throughout the story, which gives us a bit more detailed background – particularly highlighting the dynamic between him, Andros and Lorenzo.

And, for the first time, there is Ben POV! This was a really welcome addition to the story. I love Ben! Watching him not only grow up, but thrive, in his unusual world has been fantastic. I love his devotion to his family, his nature, and his developing badassery, and hope we get to see more of him. He’s such a sensational little smartass.

“So, how’s school? How’s everything going?”
“Can Gio hear us?”
… “Yes”
“Oh, well then, it’s going magnificently. I’m so fortunate to have a knowledgeable and patient teacher like my uncle, who is imparting his centuries of wisdom into my eager young mind.”

I love the dynamic of his relationships too – he has a great bond with both Tenzin and Dez, and, of course, Gio and Beatrice. And I have to wonder just what is going on with him and Tenzin??? I sense some definite chemistry there!!!!

There’s a whole lot of action in this one, as things all come to their exciting conclusion, and with all the gang together, and as a new (seriously evil) villain is revealed, everybody gets a chance to get their badass on. Some of these scenes are just like an action movie – the way Hunter writes them, you can see it all in front of you, and there is a touch of epicness about it with the way the scene is set, the imagery she uses, and the badass banter. And yeah, I may have been guilty of a fistpump or two.

“A guard spoke. “Stop, both of you! You may not enter the castle with weapons.”
Tenzin drew her sword in the space of a heartbeat, sliced off the head of the guard who spoke, and kept walking as the body crumbled to the ground. “Oh, really?”

“This is my hall. And I do not–”
She was cut off as a sharp spear of fire shot out of Arosh’s fingers. (She) pulled a guard in front of her, who immediately turned to ash.
“Shut up, woman. I am speaking.”

I love this series! It seems to be more of an understated PNR, but it definitely has all of the winning elements! The writing is fantastic, and the storyline is intriguing and kept me glued to my kindle the whole way through. The characters are brilliant (seriously – I have mad love for pretty much everybody), and the dialogue is sharp and witty. There is action, humour, and general vampire-powered-awesomeness, all set within a brilliantly developed, original and sophisticated paranormal world.

And while I am sad to say goodbye to Gio and Beatrice, I’m excited to continue on with the Elemental World series. Carwyn definitely has something brewing throughout this story, I can’t wait to read his book.

I highly recommend this series to any PNR lover.

4.5 stars.


The Elemental Mysteries

A Hidden Fire  This Same Earth  The Force of Wind  A Fall of Water

A Hidden Fire (#1)
Buy:  Kindle Ebook  |  Paperback

This Same Earth (#2)
Buy:  Kindle Ebook  |  Paperback

The Force of Wind (#3)
Buy:  Kindle Ebook  |  Paperback

A Fall of Water (#4)
Buy:  Kindle Ebook  |  Paperback


Series novellas (to be read after main series)

The Stars Afire (An Elemental Mysteries Anthology)
Buy:  Amazon
This is a short fiction ANTHOLOGY for Giovanni and Beatrice. It includes a previously published novella (Lost Letters and Christmas Lights), as well as new fiction (Finding Richard, Desires of the Heart) and a few shorts that used to be on the author’s website. It is not a brand new novel, but it is new fiction that gives you a peek into the future of your favorite vampires.


Fangs, Frost & Folios
A holiday mystery novella
Buy:  Amazon Apple Books  |  Nook Kobo



See our Elemental Mysteries page for more information – including spin-off details.


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