Review: Cracked Kingdom (The Royals, #5) by Erin Watt

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3.5 YA soap opera stars

This book is the final book in the Royals series, and the second part of Easton and Hartley’s story that began in Fallen Heir. As expected, it’s an absolute soap opera, with ups and downs, twists and turns, laughs, heartache and a whole lot of drama as relationships are tested, and Easton and Hartley will have to fight like never before for their happy ending.

The last book left off on a huge cliffy, and this book picks up immediately where that one left off. And to get the soap opera ball rolling, Hartley is injured and wakes up…. with amnesia! I had to have a giggle at that one, but it certainly sets up an interesting dynamic, especially as she is now very ‘suggestible’, and returning to the viper pit that is her exclusive private school and chief mean girl is on the rampage.

In the meantime, Easton is dealing with his own family drama, and has been left in charge to manage the situation. Heartbroken, lost and alone, he falls back into all of his old vices as he struggles to deal with it all.

It’s all very heartbreaking, and I hurt for the pain and confusion that both East and his “Hart” were going through, but things take a very welcome turn as our star-crossed lovers slowly find their way back to each other.

“I wasn’t seeking a place, but a person. I’d come home.”

But the drama is not over! Hartley still needs to deal with her crooked, violent, controlling father and protect her little sister, early series nemesis, Steve, is still causing major problems, and there is still a heap of school drama, bully drama, and even more family drama that they need to wade through. There’s a lot going on, and it all felt a bit much, when I would have preferred to focus on one or two particular plotlines rather than so many high-intense dramas, but it all blends together well, and even though it’s a bit unrealistic at times, it fits in with the feel of the books in this series that have that sense of OTT about them.

And in the middle of it all, we have a gorgeous love story, and I loved seeing beautiful, messed-up Easton Royal finally find the person who is just right for him.

“We’re both smiling as we go our separate ways, and once again I’m struck by the magic that is Easton Royal. The one person in my life who—at my lowest or my highest—never fails to put a smile on my face”

I enjoyed catching up with the whole Royal clan – even though the twins were annoying – but it’s made up for with lots of Ella time, glimpses of Reed, and a really strong theme of family, loyalty and having each other’s backs. Though they do have their moments of hot mess, the whole clan together have a fantastic dynamic, and I loved watching them all continue their path to healing from the past and being there for each other.

“I’m a Royal because I’m loved by Easton Royal. There’s nothing more pure and wondrous in the world than that.”

It’s an entertaining read, and a strong finish to the series, with an epilogue that left me grinning like a loon.

3.5 stars – rated up because Easton ♥


The Royals

paper princess 1    twisted-palace      

Paper Princess (#1) (Ella & Reed)
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Broken Prince (#2) (Ella & Reed)
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Twisted Palace (#3) (Ella & Reed)
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Tarnished Crown (#3.5) (Gideon & Savannah)
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Fallen Heir (#4) (Easton & Hartley)
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Cracked Kingdom (#5) (Easton & Hartley)
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