Review: Time (Laws of Physics, #3) by Penny Reid

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5 brave stars!

Penny Reid is known for her smart romances. They are full of depth and intellect, and make you think about life, love, and people in a new way. She pushes us to consider things that are different, difficult, important and real. No two books are the same and she has an unlimited imagination as she gives us her unique characters and one-of-a-kind romances. Time, the third book in the Law of Physics Trilogy, is one of these books. It is the much anticipated finale to Mona and Abram’s love story, and I loved everything about it!

“Being with your is like living in a song”

Mona and Abram have come together during a crazy time. Life is busy and they have commitments that pull them apart. Their love is new but fierce, and they have much to overcome before time is on their side.

Time gave me everything I wanted and more. The rock-star storyline isn’t uncommon in itself but Reid’s unique take on the trope makes it captivating. And it’s her original characters that make this a remarkable read. Mona and Abram’s lives can’t be more different but it is what’s inside that makes them perfect for each other. They continue to be genuine, goodhearted people. They learn to trust and they grow as they take chances. Mona’s journey of self-discovery and healing is empowering. I loved her honesty, straight forwardness, and bravery. There is a lot she has to work through to truly understand herself, and Abram is there through it all.

Abram is amazing!!! OMG, he is better than ever! I loved watching him show Mona just how special she is. He understands her and loves every single part of her. He has her best interest in mind and she always comes first. Nothing can change his mind.

“I love you with every part of myself, you’ve invaded every corner, every secret place, and I only want—I’ve only ever wanted—your happiness. If you want me to stay, then with you is always where I want to be.”

*dreamy sigh*

Time finally gives us the sexy time we’ve been dying for, and the wait was well worth it. It is scorching, consuming, overwhelming, and so far from just physical need. It is intense on an emotional level as they accept each other wholeheartedly.

I was wholly and completely enamored. I’m talking fucking stars-for-eyes, cartoon-heart-beating-out-of-my-chest euphoric, convinced that this, being with her like this, so close, just us, exposed and vulnerable to and with each other was my heaven on earth.

Their relationship is functional and real, and I felt their connection. They just get each other. They go all in and they don’t back down. They love fiercely and completely, and though the drama is not over the top, the challenges are realistic and full of feels as they fight for a future together.

So this time, don’t leave.
This time, tell me you’ll stay.
This time, don’t let life steal you away.

Overall, I couldn’t have asked for more from Time. It’s smart, romantic, sweet, and sexy, and the perfect ending to a beautiful love story.


Laws of Physics


Elements of Chemistry
(Includes Motion, Space, and Time)
Buy: Amazon  |  Paperback



Motion (LOP, #1)

Space (LOP, #2)

Time (LOP, #3)


About the Author

Penny Reid is the USA Today Best Selling Author of the Winston Brothers and Knitting in the City series. When she’s not immersed in penning smart romances, Penny works in the biotech industry as a researcher. She’s also a full time mom to three diminutive adults, wife, daughter, knitter, crocheter, sewer, general crafter, and thought ninja.




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