Review: You Deserve Each Other by Sarah Hogle

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3.5 stars

This is a unique little book. A laugh-out-loud-funny, slightly ridiculous, yet poignant story of a couple who have lost their way, and who find their way back to each other in the strangest of circumstances.

Naomi and Nicholas are a young, engaged couple who should be eagerly and excitedly planning their wedding. Instead, Naomi finds herself completely uninspired by her fiancé, and the idea of their future together. They have fallen apart. There’s no major drama, no big thing that changed, they’re just in a rut, stuck in their routine, and completely disengaged from each other and their relationship.

It turns out that Nicholas is feeling exactly the same, however they are so far down the wedding-planning track, neither of them wants to be the one to pull the plug. So instead, they find themselves in a situation where they plan to irritate each other until the other one makes the decision to end it all. They are essentially in a game of “relationship chicken”… let the battle begin!

I’ve got news for Nicholas Benjamin Rose: if he thinks I’m not the biggest waste of time that’s ever happened to him, he’s got another think coming.

OMG, this book made me laugh! It took me a little bit to get on board with these two characters – neither of them are particularly likable in the beginning – but once we get to see exactly what’s going on, knowing that they are both on board with their diabolical plan, they grew on me, and I laughed out loud at their antics. Their pranks are so freaking funny, and the way they both just say ‘to hell with it’ and do whatever the hell they want, is fantastic

And it turns out that when they open up and be themselves for the first time in a long time, not just passively ‘playing nice’ with each other, they actually begin to enjoy each other again. They remember who they are and what they want, and they begin to rekindle the spark that they both allowed to die out.

It’s a relatable situation that a lot of couples find themselves in, I’m sure, though this one does take it the extreme a bit, and both Naomi and Nicholas both come off as being ridiculous and kind of juvenile. I was surprised that these weren’t NA characters with the immature way they behave, but Naomi is in her late 20s, and Nicholas his early 30s. And I admit, I got annoyed with them, and there were times when I just wanted them to grow up. But overall, I could see how they got into the situation they were in, and I enjoyed watching them get themselves out of it.

It’s a funny read, with a deeper underlying message about the importance of communication and being true to yourself in a relationship.

I enjoyed this one – 3.5 stars.


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