Review: Perfect Wreckage (Wrecked, #2) by Catherine Cowles

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4.5 stars!

This is the second book in the Wrecked series, a sort-of-friends to lovers story that is, in turns, fun and sweet, and heartachingly emotional. It’s such a beautiful story, and I loved it!

This book can be read as a standalone, but the characters are a close-knit bunch and there is a lot of interaction between them, so beware some minor spoilers for the first book in the series, Reckless Memories.

Kenna and Crosby were introduced in the last book. Kenna is best friends with Bell (heroine of book #1), and Crosby’s very much one-sided flirtation with Kenna was an entertaining feature of the last book. So I was thrilled when I learned that they would eventually hook up and was so excited to read their story.

Kenna comes across as this fierce, structure powerhouse with complete control over every aspect of her life, but that façade conceals a whole lot of pain. Kenna’s childhood was rough, and she found a home and stability when she was taken in by wealthy widow, Harriett. Years later and she once again had her life upended when her heart was brutally broken, and she suffered a devastating trauma. Those incidents changed her, and she is determined not to open herself up to that kind of pain again, striving for stability, predictability and safety above everything else.

I’d been left in wreckage, broken pieces that would never fit together perfectly again.

In the last book, Crosby gave the appearance of being this slack surfer dude with endless enthusiasm for chatting up the one girl in town who won’t give him the time of day. In reality, he is a dedicated lawyer with a huge heart, who donates his free time to advocate for children in the foster system (swoon!). He turned his back on his wealthy family and privileged lifestyle years ago to seek out a simpler, more ‘real’ life on Anchor Island, where he frequently indulges in adrenaline-seeking activities, and he is happy and at peace living the life that he wants.

If you really want to live your life to the fullest, you have to let go of who you think you should be and let yourself become who you truly are.

When Kenna’s life is turned upside down once again, Crosby firmly plants himself by her side, defending and protecting, and being there for her in every way that he can. An unexpected kiss releases pent-up passion that surprises both of them, and neither of them are willing to just ignore it, so they agree to continue exploring their connection, while Crosby pushes Kenna to start living outside of her self-imposed bubble. But Crosby isn’t one for long-term anything, he just wants to enjoy what he has while he has it, and Kenna is happy to go along with that.

“I’m in this for as long as it lasts. I might not be able to give you forever, but I’ll give you all of me while we’re here.”

It’s a fun set-up, and one that sees Kenna finally opening her eyes to who Crosby really is. Their relationship develops as a friends-with-benefits situation that quickly turns into more the more they get to know each other, and I loved watching their connection naturally and easily shift and change in ways neither of them ever expected.

It was as if his arms might be able to hold me together. Keep me from breaking when the world was falling down around me.

Crosby is such a dreamy romantic hero! He may not see himself as one, because of the limits he’s placed on himself and his relationship with Kenna, but his heart is so beautiful. He is tender and caring, protective and supportive, and he is exactly who Kenna needs.

One day, this woman would see herself as I did. Strong because she’d been broken. Loving because she’d been hurt. Perfect in all her imperfections.

Kenna’s story is truly tragic. She’s been through so much, and she goes through so much more in this book. But having Crosby in her life is a turning point for her as he encourages her to open up, deal with her past and truly live, and she does it, all the while knowing that she’s falling for a man she shouldn’t be, but strong enough to follow her heart anyway.

Having all of him meant that it would hurt that much more when it was over. But I couldn’t seem to force myself to walk away.

While the romance is playing out, there’s also a legal battle underway, and somebody is targeting Kenna and the life she’s built for herself. It brings drama and a touch of suspense to the story, and I enjoyed this additional aspect and the way it brings Crosby and Kenna together. They have hurdles to overcome, and it’s emotional, but when they’re finally forced to confront their feelings, it’s everything I was hoping for.

“I love you with everything I have and everything I am. Please let me love you.”

I loved this story so much. I’ve read Catherine Cowle’s back catalogue in under a month, and I’m still riding the high of her beautifully emotional and romantic stories. I can’t wait to get my hands on Caelyn’s book up next.

4.5 stars.




Reckless Memories (#1)
Buy:  Amazon Paperback Audio

Perfect Wreckage (#2)
Buy:  Amazon Paperback Audio

Wrecked Palace (#3)
Buy:  Amazon Paperback  |  Audio

Reckless Refuge (#4)
Buy  Amazon  |  Paperback Audio

Beneath the Wreckage (#5)
Buy:  Amazon


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