Audio Review: House of Sky and Breath (Crescent City, #2) by Sarah J. Maas

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6 incredible stars!

Just damn. I can’t wrap my head around all that I just read, let alone put it into words for a review. I’m gobsmacked. Once again, I am blown away and stunningly impressed by Sarah J. Maas’ storytelling, and love this urban fantasy world that she has created, and more importantly, the fabulously unforgettable characters that inhabit it.

It’s a few months after the events at the end of the first book of the series (House of Earth and Blood]). Bryce is settling into her new ‘normal’, with Hunt by her side. They’re taking things slow while they get to know each other, but their plan of getting some time to settle into life together and just ‘be’ is quickly banished.

It begins with a werewolf on the doorstep and quickly escalates to a missing girl and her young brother. Bryce (being Bryce) is desperate to help, and she, Hunt and their close friends soon find themselves swept up in the rebellion against the ruling Asteri. It’s a battle Bryce has managed to avoid, but now she and her crew are right in the middle of it, and as the situation for their city, and their people, grows worse, they find themselves joining the fight.

There is SO much that happens in this book! So many twists and turns, huge reveals and deeply intense moments. It’s got action, excitement and intrigue, and I was absolutely captivated by all of it!

And yes, there is romance! God, is there romance! Hot, steamy, and beautifully emotional, Bryce and Hunt are a powerhouse, and I freaking love everything about them. From their playfulness, to their filthy, passionate sex life, to their bickering and banter, and their heartfelt declarations. They are perfect together, and I loved seeing them find such pure acceptance and strength in each other as they face challenge after challenge.

Hunt’s voice was a thunderclap as he said behind her, “Light it up, Bryce.”

The side characters have a bit more page-time in this one. Ruhn, Tharion and Ithan all have their own things going on – closely tied with the main storyline, but they also have their own stories which are playing out. Characters from the first book reappear, and there are newly-introduced characters, and they all bring SO much to the story. I loved the playful scenes featuring Ruhn and his roommates, and I loved seeing Bryce and her “boys” training, bantering, plotting and having each other’s backs without question.

It’s all very surprising and unpredictable, and I was completely caught up in the story, loving every moment of it.

The ending had my heart racing and brings some massive twists, and I cannot wait for the next book to see where it all goes from here.

An absolutely incredible read – 6 huge stars!

I listened to this as an audiobook, narrated by Elizabeth Evans (who also does the first book), and she is just magic to listen to! Every character has a unique voice, and she narrates with such intensity and emotion. I highly recommend listening to this one!



Crescent City


House of Earth and Blood (#1)
Buy:  Amazon Paperback Audio

House of Sky and Breath (#2)
Buy:  Amazon Paperback Audio

House of Flame and Shadow (#3)
Buy:  Amazon  |  Paperback Audio


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