Review: Conviction (The Consolation Duet, #2 and Salvation, #4) by Corinne Michaels

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“Nothing in this world comes easy, but if it’s right, you fight for it.”

A beautiful finish for an amazing love story.

5 stars

I just read and loved Consolation, and dove into this sequel as soon as I finished it. I can’t really say anything about the story without spoiling the first book, so all I will say is that it’s an emotional rollercoaster, but it was absolutely perfect. It showed me everything that I wanted to see, and more.

Natalie’s story takes a turn in a direction she never saw coming and like the first book, I was completely sucked in and felt every little moment of it. The happy, the sad, the gut-wrenching and the utterly beautiful.

“I love you more than anyone could love another. My world only makes sense since you’ve come into it.”

Once again, Natalie’s strength absolutely floored me. This book could have so easily dissolved into overly-angsty frustration and stupid behaviour, but I could empathise with everything the characters were going through, and I thought their reactions were realistic for the situation that they found themselves in. And Natalie, in particular, handled it all beautifully!

“I won’t lose you.”
“You’re damn right you won’t.”

I loved the way it all played out, and despite the heaviness of the story, there are lots of light moments that had me grinning like a fool, plus a nice amount of steamy time. And, surprisingly, the ending of the book and the epilogue had me laughing my ass off! I’m still chucking as I sit here writing my review. It’s gold, and after the emotional turmoil that I went through during these books, it’s a fantastic treat.


There are some things I can’t unsee, and this is one. I’m not queasy by nature, but I never can look at her pussy again and not think of this image. A giant, bald, nasty looking thing is stretching her, and I’m pretty sure I’m going to hurl.
Instead of freaking her out, I head back to her side. I’ll take the broken fingers before that shit

I loved these books! I devoured them both in a day, and know that they will be ones I reread again and again. A heartwarmingly beautiful story of family, friendship, letting go and fighting for what you want, and an incredible love story that had me swooning madly.

5 stars.


The Consolation Duet 

Consolation  Conviction

Consolation (Consolation Duet, #1) (Salvation, #3)
Buy: Kindle Ebook  |  Paperback

Conviction  (Consolation Duet, #2) (Salvation, #4)
Buy: Kindle Ebook  |  Paperback


Continuation: A Consolation Duet Special Edition
(Bonus scenes)
Buy:  Paperback only




This duet forms part of the Salvation series. 
Check out our Series Info page to see how the books all fit together.


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