Review: Embers (Dark In You, #4) by Suzanne Wright

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4 stars!

Action, mystery, supernatural badassery, lots of laughs, romance and steamy sexy time, it’s all here as Harper and Knox continue the search for the fourth and illusive horseman – now with baby in tow.

Suzanne Wright has a gift for creating intricate and well-developed paranormal worlds, and she’s done a great job with series. The demons, their behaviour and powers, their world that is hidden from the humans, and even the intricate politics are wonderfully established to create something that feels real. And even though I had forgotten some of the detail from previous books, she provides enough information to catch you up and ensure you don’t feel lost, which I really appreciated.

Anyway, we’re back with Harper and Knox. The uber-powerful Primes are enjoying life with their new son, but their joy in having him comes with a huge vulnerability as their son is targeted by a new and unknown threat. The demon baby seems to be very capable of defending himself, but his parents aren’t taking any chances, pulling out all of their considerable power as they, their sentinels and their family close in on the final of the Four Horseman, determined to rid their world of the threat to their family, and the demonic hierarchy, once and for all.

I really enjoyed this book. It’s fun and exciting, and I loved diving back in to this world. There is mystery and intrigue alongside all of the paranormal action and I was madly developing theories along the way, and I loved the twists, turns and surprising reveals as it all played out. As always with Suzanne Wright, there’s also a healthy dose of humor to keep things light and entertaining, and I loved the banter, teasing and insults thrown around.

And, of course, there is the continued love story between Knox and Harper. Knox is pretty much the most powerful demon in existence and an epic badass, and as awesome as it was seeing him and all of his power, I love seeing him in the role of mate and father just as much. And Harper’s badassery is just as impressive. They are a fantastic power couple, and their love for each other was beautiful to see – and their sex life continues to be hot, steamy and supernaturally-enhanced, creating a wonderful dynamic for this committed couple.

“I’ve never had someone as deeply enmeshed in my life as you are, Harper. Never wanted anyone to be. I don’t have any real experience with emotional intimacy, which means I’m often flying blind here. Not being good at something pisses me off. But you … you’re something I need. I absolutely refuse to live a life that doesn’t have you in it.”

The rest of the characters introduced throughout the series continue to play a part, and I loved seeing them all again, and little Asher is a great addition as well. Though just a baby, he has a meaningful presence in the story, and his little mannerisms and attitude are just as entertaining as his parents.

This is the final book in Knox and Harper’s story arc, but the series will continue with books for some of the side characters, with Devon and Tanner up first! I’m excited to revisit this world, and look forward to whatever is coming next.

4 stars.


The Dark in You

Burn  Blaze     


Burn (#1) (Harper and Knox)
Buy:  Amazon  |  Paperback

Blaze (#2) (Harper and Knox)
Buy:  Amazon  |  Paperback

Ashes (#3) (Harper and Knox)
Buy:  Amazon  |  Paperback

Embers (#4) (Harper and Knox)
Buy:  Amazon   |  Paperback

Shadows (#5) (Devon and Tanner)
Buy:  Amazon  |  Paperback

Omens (#6) (Khloe and Keenan)
Buy:  Amazon

Fallen (#7) (Maddox & Raini)
Buy:  Amazon

Reaper (#8) (Levi & Piper)
Buy:  Amazon

Hunted (#9) (Teague & Larkin)
Buy:   Amazon


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